2012年2月2日 星期四

Chinese New Year Flowers and Friuts – 年花和水果 Nián huā hé shuĭ guŏ

The following are popular floral decorations for the New Year .

Plum Blossom 梅花 méi huā

Plum Blossom 梅花 méi huā symbolize perseverance and reliability, two traits needed for success in life
Peach Blossom 桃花 táo huā - blossoms symbolize growth, prosperity, long life and romance
Peony 牡丹 mŭ dan - bringing luck and good fortune
Narcissus 水仙花 shuĭ xiān huā - symbolizes prosperity
Pussy Willow 银柳 yín liŭ - symbolizes prosperity
Bamboo 竹子 zhú zi plant brings happiness, wealth, and longevity: the ingredients for a happy life
Sunflower  向日葵 xiàng rì kuí generally invokes having a good and prosperous year

Mandarin Orange 柑桔/橘子jú zi - symbolizes good fortune
Pomelo 柚子 yòu zi - during the new year implies a wish that the home will have everything it needs the coming year

